Feb 16, 2011

The Gnostic Gospels: A Bridge between Science and Spirituality

The Gnostic Gospels: A Bridge between Science and Spirituality

This is an interesting article written by LEE HAGER.
Any Spiritual Seeker can gainfully read it for Higher Understanding of THAT WHICH IS.
However, if The Gospels, as they exist NOW in The King James Version et all, were to be read with An EASTERN EYE of ONENESS, then too, any discerning Spiritual Seeker can get IT [REALITY] AS IS.
Jesus was an Eastern Man. So was his Understanding of Metaphysics.
There is no Eastern or Western Truth.
No Bridge needs be built between Science and Spirituality.
Both, after all is said and done, are ONE in UNDERSTANDING. 
Reality is ONE.
IT must be so understood. And, thus lived.