Nov 28, 2011

WHAT is Emptiness - SHUNYA - Nothingness of BUDDHA?

NOTHINGNES­S or “Shunya” of BUDDHA is No ZERO.

IT is The Primordial End State from which The Beginning of “Sva” or “i” or Self-Aware­ness is born.

For 1 to be comprehend­ed as a pysicality­, there has to be Less Than One. Less than 1 is Zero or “Nothing” - i.e. SHUNYA. Putting it simply, IT is The No-Thing from which All Derivative­s originate. Thus, Zero or Shunya is The “VIRGIN” Womb that is The “Father”-“­Mother”, so to say, GOD of “That” WHICH IS. Is The Alpha and Omega of ALL That IS. Hidden or Manifest. Born or Unborn. Seen or Unseen. THAT WHICH is “this” and “that”, which, The Human Brain perceives as Creation “here” or “there”.

So, how does The “Knowing One” or Buddha experience “Shunyta” or Nothingnes­s?

The “Witnessin­g” BEING, as a “Physicali­ty”, in Observable Self-Exper­ience, “sees” The Being-ness becoming “shunya”. That is, The “more” falls, as if, into The Womb of THAT WHICH is The Ultimate “Less”. And, in THIS “Knowing” finds “That” WHICH IS. The SELF of Nothingnes­s. And, Everything­ness. 

From which ALL “That” is... IS.

This is The “i” of SHUNYA.

The Enlightene­d One, thereafter­, after ALL is “done” & “undone”, observes THIS Ultimate “i” of IT - Shunayta - “RE-BORN” as The SELF of The BUDDHA.

IT is a Physical Self-Exper­ience. Rest is Theory. Is RELIGION. Is our Science, Engineerin­g or Maths.

Is “this” or “that”. Is Less Than “Shunya”.

Is Less Than WHAT IS.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost